
This blog is a very tiny window into my blogging life. A narrow, frosted window; the kind you usually see at the dentist's office to shield from view the impending torture slowly deviating toward your mouth.

Unfortunately, most of my blogging content is too personal to put up publicly, and I feel bad because 99.9% of the people I mention it to won't ever have access to it. So I made a public blog. It has resulted in the debacle that is this account - a superficial outpouring in humorously obscure, skewed ways.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Flash - Quotes and Honors

New layout featuring The Flash. =) How punny (insert Filipino accent/literary humor).

I was watching that episode of Justice League where Flash ends up in Lex Luthor's body in The Great Brain Robbery. Oh man, always makes me laugh. Thus, this layout was born.

And in honor of this momentous occasion, a series of quotes featuring the one and only during that episode:

Luthor: [In Flash's body, runs up to a mirror] If nothing else, I can at least learn the Flash's secret identity. [Removes Flash's cowl, revealing the face of Wally West] ...I have no idea who this is.

[The Flash (in Lex Luthor's body) walks out of a bathroom stall.]
Doctor Polaris: Ahem.
Flash-in-Lex: What?
Doctor Polaris: You gonna wash your hands?
Flash-in-Lex: No! 'Cause I'm evil!

Bizarro: [Raises his hand] Me got answer.
Flash-in-Lex: Ah, excellent. Do enlighten us.
Bizarro: Ever since you plug into monkey's head, you act perfectly sane and rational. Am you Bizarro's mommy?

Tala: Just rest in here.
[pulls "Lex" into a closet]
Flash-in-Lex: Hey - that's not restful.

Flash-in-Lex: My fellow bad-guys. I, Lex Luthor -your leader- will speak now about... my, Lex Luthor's, plan. My... villainous, villainous plan. Question the plan at your peril!, any questions?

Flash-in-Lex: You, evil-head guy! What's your part in this plan?
Evil Star: I'm not in the plan.
Flash-in-Lex: :[pause] Right! Pop quiz! Everyone tell me his or her part in the plan.

Flash-in-Lex: Lex Luthor is pleased.

Lex-in-Flash: Attention! The man you think is Luthor is actually a Justice Leaguer disguised as me. Repeat: he is not Luthor.
Flash-in-Lex: ...I, Lex Luthor, find that preposterous.

Green Lantern: It sounds like Wally, but is there any way to be sure?
Flash: You want proof? Until he went off into the Marines, GL's nickname was-
Green Lantern: Stop! It's him. Man, you promised never to repeat that story!
Flash: I know, I was just messing with your head.

Mister Terrific: Well, can you tell us anything about Grodd's Secret Society? Where's the headquarters?
Flash: I don't know. In a swamp?

Tala: Lex? Is that really you?
Lex Luthor: Of course it's me, you twit.
Tala: [Disappointed] Oh.

[standard rule of netique, bitch; quote your sources]

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